「古武道とアート -上手くなる体験を形にする」@市民大学講座・東経大

I lecture the sixth [Ancient martial arts +High technology – Visualize the experience of being better] via the program of [College lecture for the citizens], Saturday, 19th of November.

国分寺市教育委員会・東京経済大学 共催

「現代社会を考える 2016」

第6回 11月19日(土)
「古武道とアート 〜上手くなる体験を形にする」


[Ancient martial arts +High technology  -Visualize the experience of being better]The body expression [Jodo and arts] is driven under the concept of [Wanna make art of being better], [Wanna visualize the experience of being better]
We are also welcoming the master of Jodo once a month in this year
Ancient martial arts + High technology->Tokyo Keizai university is now ready to provide tools and materials, even the proper environment!
Let`s try a little bit different training system also!
Masters of Jodo will be equipped wearable cameras and we can see their meticulous movement of Staff or Katana right in front of our eyes.・・・・→more